"Save Water Save Life" Make water conservation mandatory

 International Research Awards on Science, Health and Engineering

Online Nomination: https://x-i.me/veershen

With country facing worst ever water crisis in decades, I request both the Government of India and Citizens of India to make definitive steps in this regard. First as a citizen can't we conserve water at every activity in our life. There is a famous quote in novel cloud atlas, “My life amounts to no more than one drop in a limitless ocean. Yet what is any ocean, but a multitude of drops?” remembering the same if every signatory of this petition sincerely vows to save water in each and every activity of life it could be substantial step. The routine tap running while shaving and brushing can be changed with mug, using bucket instead of shower, reusing water used for rice cooking and vegetable washing. Each of us can implement a rain water harvesting system with collection and ground water recharge and there are many more which many of us know but just don't follow. At same time I request Government of India to make mandatory laws and with strict implementation for both industrial and domestic use, for everyone alike, for recycling and conservation of water. Rain water harvesting should be made compulsory for any new construction hereon with. Water reservoirs for every major city to catch runoff water. Education drives at every level school, villages, communities and cities. An integrated approach of all ministries agriculture, environment, water resource etc. I'm requesting this because the place where I live over past two decades groundwater has receded by many meters and in spite of being water rich area. It is high time that every signatory should take a vow to save water and follow it with heart because we also have to change to make the world change, and I request Government of India to take measure now as our country can't prosper without water and all development plans depend on its very existence.  


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