
Showing posts from June, 2024

Use of social media

  The use of social media has grown exponentially over the past decade, transforming the way individuals, businesses, and societies communicate. Here are some key aspects and implications of social media use:                                 1. Communication and Connectivity Global Connectivity : Social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram allow people to connect with others across the globe, breaking down geographical barriers. Instant Communication : Users can share updates, photos, and videos instantly, fostering real-time interactions and discussions. 2. Information Sharing News and Information : Social media is a major source of news and information. Platforms like Twitter and Facebook often disseminate news faster than traditional media. Misinformation and Fake News : The rapid spread of information can also lead to the dissemination of false or misleading information. 3. Business and Marketing Brand Awareness : Companies use social media to promote their products

Human Tree

It's Not Easy to Become a Tree Many of us have favorite trees to which we are inexplicably drawn. Or, we remember that one tree that stood at the center of our childhood experience. In our sometimes stress -filled, chaotic lives, trees stand as graceful portraits of stability, flexibility, and inspire us to embrace life’s challenges with serenity and composure. Current research agrees that a restorative walk in a green space boosts well-being and cognitive function by reducing the stress hormone cortisol and calming the parasympathetic division of the central nervous system .                                          But if not intellectually, then intuitively we know that our physical and emotional needs are intimately and holistically linked to the delicate health of our biosphere and all of the unique living and breathing organisms therein. Organizations such as the Association of Nature and Forest Therapy are dedicated to building and


  Engineering is the application of science and  mathematics  to solve problems. Engineers figure out how things work and find practical uses for scientific discoveries. Scientists and inventors often get the credit for innovations that advance the human condition, but it is engineers who are instrumental in making those innovations available to the world. In his book, " Disturbing the Universe " (Sloan Foundation, 1981), physicist Freeman Dyson wrote, "A good scientist is a person with original ideas. A good engineer is a person who makes a design that works with as few original ideas as possible. There are no prima donnas in engineering." The history of engineering is part and parcel of the history of human civilization. The  Pyramids  of Giza,  Stonehenge , the  Parthenon  and the  Eiffel Tower  stand today as monuments to our heritage of engineering. Today's engineers not only build huge structures, such as the  International Space Station  (ISS), but they a